[AKP] Aikawa Seiki
[HRM] Harima Industrials
[BAS] Basso
[UNI] Union Engineering
[HVN] Hell Venus
Turbo Tune Manufacturers
[TZM] Tejima Heavy Industry
[TRM] Tram Giken
[CRA] Crack
Three Levels of Tune
Normal - Performance is determined by the level of the equipped parts.
Moderate - Increased performance from better efficiency.
Critical - Maximized performance from maximum efficiency.
To achieve Critical Tune, put the following manufacturer combinations together.
Horizontal [H Engine]
Part A: UNI
Part B: HVN
Part C: HRM
Intercooler: KW
Turbine: GME
Air Filter: TZM
Rotary [R Engine]
Part A: HVN
Part B: HVN
Part C: HRM
Intercooler: CRA
Turbine: TRM
Air Filter: KW
Straight-Block [S Engine]
Part A: AKP
Part B: HRM
Part C: UNI
Intercooler: GME
Turbine: TZM
Air Filter: TRM
V-Block [V Engine]
Part A: BAS
Part B: HRM
Part C: UNI
Intercooler: TRM
Turbine: CRA
Air Filter: KW